CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
World Trade Flows Characterization (WTFC) and TUV


The World Trade Flows Characterization (WFTC) database developed by the CEPII associates each flow with a trade type (one-way trade, intra-industry trade in similar products or in differentiated products) and a price range (low, middle or high range).
Trade characteristics are computed using an harmonized version of CEPII's Trade Unit Values (TUV) database which contains import and export unit value information (in US dollars per ton), at the 6-digit level of Harmonized System (5,113 products) for 182 reporters and 253 partners, from 2000 to the latest year available (see Berthou & Emlinger, 2011a et b). The comparison of trade flows and the unit values analysis allow to distinguish one-way trade from intra-industry trade and to determine whether it corresponds to trade in similar or differentiated products according to the Fontagné and Freudenberg index (FF) or the Grubel-Lloyd index (GL). A price range is also assigned to each elementary flow depending on its unit value relatively to a world reference (see Emlinger & Piton, 2014).
WTFC on CEPII website: http://www.cepii.fr/cepii/en/bdd_modele/presentation.asp?id=29


The Trade Unit Value (TUV) database of CEPII contains import and export unit value information (in US dollars per ton), at the 6-digit level of harmonized system for 182 reporters and 253 partners, from 2000 to the latest year available. The Cost of Insurance and Freight (CIF) import unit values rely on importers’ declarations, and include all trade costs (except tariffs and domestic taxes after the border). The Free on Board (FOB) export unit values are a proxy for the trade prices at the factory gate, relying on exporters’ declarations.
The methodology relies on the Tariff lines database of the United Nations Statistical Division, corresponding to the values and quantities of trade declared by individual countries to the UN. Bilateral trade unit values are computed at a very high level of disaggregation specific to each country, before aggregation into Harmonized-System 6-digits categories to allow for cross-country comparability. The processing strategy improves the differentiation of trade prices within product categories, as compared to existing worldwide datasets. In particular it reduces the bias resulting from the estimation of missing quantities in COMTRADE (20% of observations).
Trade price range and type are computed using a harmonized version of the Trade Unit Value database, following the BACI methodology of reconciliation of importers’ and exporters’ declarations.
TUV on CEPII website : http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/bdd_modele/presentation.asp?id=2

 CEPII Country Profiles: indicators, databases and classifications

 Panorama du CEPII
N°2016-02, juin 2016

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