CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Jeudi 19 novembre 2015 - Vendredi 20 novembre 2015
Université de Bordeaux, 35 place pey berland 33000 bordeaux
Agriculture, International Trade and Development - 2nd Workshop MAD

2nd Workshop MAD (Macroeconomics of Agriculture and Development)
Organized by LAREFI-Université Bordeaux

Unit SMART-LERECO INRA Agrocampus Ouest
Paris School of Economics and INRA
CEPII (Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales)
University of Bordeaux

Organization Committee
Antoine Bouët - LAREFI-Université Bordeaux
Anne-Gaël Vaubourg - LAREFI-Université Bordeaux

Scientific Committee
Antoine Bouët - LAREFI-Université Bordeaux
Anne-Célia Disdier - Paris School of Economics and INRA
Marilyne Huchet-Bourdon - Unit SMART-LERECO - Agrocampus Ouest
Anne-Gaël Vaubourg - LAREFI-Université Bordeaux

Keynote speakers
Sébastien Jean - CEPII and INRA
Kalina Manova - Stanford University (US) (to be confirmed)
Dominique Van der Mensbrugghe - University of Purdue (US)

The goal of this conference is to gather academic contributions addressing recent developments in the fields of Agriculture, International Trade and Development. The scientific committee welcomes both empirical and theoretical contributions.
Papers can in particular address the following issues:
- Designing the best policies to cope with instability of world agricultural prices
- Finance and international trade
- Trade liberalization: multilateralism vs. regionalism
- Measurement of protection and non-tariff barriers
- Food security and international trade
- International trade, trade costs and product quality

Place of the workshop
Amphithéâtre 2N
Pôle juridique et judiciaire
Place Pey Berland
33 000 Bordeaux
Transport: Tram A et B-station Hôtel de ville

Submission details
Papers must be complete and written in english. The front page should clearly indicate the name of co-authors, their electronic adress and their affiliation. Papers should be submitted by email to the following electronic adresses: Antoine.Bouet@u-bordeaux.fr and Anne-Gael.Vaubourg@u-bordeaux.fr.

No registration fee.
Participants will have to cover hotel and travel expenses, guest speakers excluded. Meals and coffee breaks will be free.

July 31, 2015: deadline for submission.
October 1, 2015: notification of acceptance.
October 31, 2015: deadline for registration.