Friday February 19, 2016
10 h 00 - 12 h 30 - France Stratégie (First Floor) 18 rue de Martignac - 75007 Paris
Robert Stehrer on "Trade in Value Added and Factors: an Overview"
Academic presentation By invitation only |
Nowadays, production processes are more and more regionally and globally integrated implying that a country’s exports embody value added generated in upstream production in other countries and industries. Therefore, gross exports figures do not provide an accurate picture of trade flows and its impact on income and employment any longer.
This lecture provides on overview of ongoing research in this field, providing insights into the construction and use of multi-country input-output tables, and discusses relevant indicators derived from these sources to gain insights into magnitudes and trends of production sharing and value added trade. Based on these data and indicators it summarizes important implications and consequences based on recent contributions. Robert Stehrer Deputy Scientific Director, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) |