Jeudi 26 janvier 2023
2.30-4.00 pm - 20, avenue de Ségur, 75007 Paris
CEPII Research Seminar "Trusting Immigrants" with Cevat Aksoy (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, King’s College, London)
Mr. Cevat Aksoy will be presenting the publication "Trusting Immigrants" co-authored with B.Eichengreen, A.Litina, C.Yu and C. Ozguzel.
The authors consider the role of early life exposure to corruption in shaping political trust. They focus on immigrants experiencing different political institutions in their native country and country of immigration. Those exposed to higher levels of political corruption before migrating vest more trust in the political institutions of their new country. This result can be interpreted in terms of Kahneman and Tversky’s reference-point thesis, according to which corruption in an immigrant’s home country serves as a reference point for evaluating corruption in the host country. Large differences in levels of income and democracy in the immigrant’s countries of origin and destination amplify the impact of home-country corruption on evaluations of institutional performance in the destination country. In contrast, media exposure providing independent information about institutional performance in the destination country diminishes the effect. BY INVITATION ONLY Contact: conferences ![]() |