The ProdComp database allows price and productivity levels to be compared for several european and other mediterranean countries in the manufacturing sector.
The database provides price and productivity relative levels for two benchmark years (2007 and 1997), as well as growth indices.
Germany is the reference country in the 2007 benchmark comparison involving eight countries (Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the UK). By contrast, France is the reference country in the 1997 one (Egypt, Germany Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Turkey).
Reference document to cite: Nayman, L. (2013) Prices and Productivity: A France-Germany Comparison, CEPII Working Paper, 2013-16 , BibTeX
Chevallier, A. and Ünal-Kesenci, D. (2001) La productivité des industries méditerranéennes, CEPII Working Paper, N°2001-16, BibTeX
Nayman, L. and Ünal-Kesenci, D. (2001), The French-German Productivity Comparison Revisited : Ten Years after the German Unification CEPII Working Paper, N°2001-14 , BibTeX
Person in charge & contact: Laurence Nayman & Deniz Ünal, prodcomp

Licence: Etalab 2.0

Germany relative levels 2007
Benchamark country: Germany
Compared countries: Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, UK
Sectors: manufacturing, 7 major industry groupings, 21 industries
- Unit value ratios (production price parities) and price levels
- Turnover, value added at factor cost, persons engaged, average hours, total hours, compensation per person engaged and per hour
- Real labour productivity per person engaged and per hour
- Unit labour costs computed with the UVR and with the nominal exchange rate
Sources: Eurostat (Prodcom and Structural Business Surveys), National accounts, World-Klems
France relative levels 1997
Benchmark country: France
Compared countries: Egypt, Germany, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Turkey1997
France relative levels 1997
Benchmark country: France
Sectors: manufacturing sector, 7 major industry groupings, 20 industries
- Unit Value Ratios (RVU) measured by the production price parities
- 1 French Franc = x units of national currency (UMN/FRF)
- Nominal exchange rate of national currency / FRF
- Relative price levels: UVR / nominal exchange rate
- Levels of production : value added (VA)
Gross value added at factor cost (VABCF): Germany, Spain, Portugal, Egypt; value added tax excluded (VAHT): Turkey and Morocco - Labour (L)
- Average Annual Hours Worked (H)
- Total Hours Worked (LH)
- Labour productivity per worker (VA/L)
- Labour productivity per hour (VA/LH)

Benchmark country: France
Compared countries: Egypt, Germany, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, TurkeySectors: manufacturing sector, 7 major industry groupings
Benchmark year: 1997=100, except for Egypt (1996=100)
Period: 1980-2001
- Current Value Added
- Constant Value Added
- Implicit price of Value Added (Current Value Added/ Constant Value Added)
- Employment
- Average Annual Hours Worked
- Total Hours Worked
- Labour productivity per worker
- Labour productivity per hour
Benchmark country: France
Compared countries: Egypt, Germany, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, TurkeySectors: manufacturing sector, 7 major industry groupings
- Unit Value Ratios
- Prices level
- Value Added
- Employment
- Average Annual Hours Worked
- Total Hours Worked
- Labour productivity per worker
- Labour productivity per hour
Nominal exchange rates of national currencies for 6 countries compared to France (data from CHELEM)
Following the ICOP (International Comparison of Output and Productivity by industry) methodology from the University of Groningen, production price parities - computed from unit value ratios - are used to assess national outputs of the sample countries in a common system of prices with the reference country. Relative real value added calculated through this method are then used to compute relative real productivity and unit labour costs.