CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
CEPII's economists publish in some of the best economic journals, such as Journal of International Economics, Review of Economic Studies, World Economics, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Macroeconomics...

Academic journal published by CEPII.

Studies carried out to answer an institutional request or within the framework of a working group.

About 30 a year.

CEPII's economists are publishing with world renowned publishing houses including La Découverte, De Boeck, Odile Jacob, Economica, Pearson, Oxford University Press...

CEPII annually publishes original analyses on major issues for the world economy, in the series "Repères". These analyses are complemented by long term statistics which provide perspective.

Published 11 times per year - in French, and occasionally with an English version. The letters comprise four pages on topical themes based on CEPII's research.

Economic news explained by CEPII's economists.

The CEPII's Panorama series presents analyses on International Economy, statistical compendiums using CEPII's original data, as well as methodological papers describing the indicators used in publications, dabtabases or Country Profiles. Build for educational purpose, this is a tool for teaching International Economy. Figures can be downloaded as images, so they can be easily used.

CEPII’s insights on international economic policy.

 CEPII's News
Yearly statement on research, publications and events.

Évaluation d'ensemble du CEPII à l'initiative du Conseil du CEPII.

Monthly summary of recent publications, events and on-going works. Available online with free subscription.