BACI (Base pour l’Analyse du Commerce International) fournit des données sur les flux commerciaux bilatéraux de 200 pays, pour plus de 5000 produits. Les produits correspondent à la nomenclature “Système Harmonisé” (code à 6 chiffres).
Merci de lire notre FAQ, la documentation ainsi que le document de travail du CEPII. Si vous n’y trouvez pas la réponse à vos questions, contactez-nous.
Référence à citer : Gaulier, G. et Zignago, S. (2010) BACI: International Trade Database at the Product-Level. The 1994-2007 Version. CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-23. BibTex
Responsable & contact : Pierre Cotterlaz, baci

Licence : Etalab 2.0
BACI est construite à partir des données de la Division Statistiques des Nations Unies (Comtrade). Comme les pays déclarent aux Nations Unies leurs importations et leurs exportations, certains flux apparaissent deux fois: un flux du pays i vers le pays j peut être enregistré par i comme exportation vers j, et par j comme importation en provenance de i. La valeur indiquée devrait être la même dans les deux situations, mais ce n’est en pratique pas le cas, pour deux raisons:
Les importations sont déclarées au prix CAF (Coût, Assurance et Fret), alors que les exportations sont déclarées FAB (Franco A Bord, c’est-à-dire sans la valeur de l’assurance et du fret).
Des erreurs sont commises dans la comptabilisation des flux, pour diverses raisons (incertitude sur le pays de destination final des exportations, différences d’appréciation sur la classification des produits, etc.)
BACI réconcilie les deux valeurs apparaissant dans Comtrade et propose ainsi une valeur unique pour chaque flux commercial. La procédure d’harmonisation comprend deux étapes:
Les montants exprimés en CAF sont convertis en montant FAB. Pour cela, le ratio CAF/FAB est estimé économétriquement et est ensuite retiré du montant CAF pour aboutir à un montant FAB.
La fiabilité de chaque déclarant est évaluée. Si un déclarant tend à s’éloigner systématiquement des données fournies par ses partenaires, il sera considéré comme peu fiable, et aura moins de poids dans la détermination de la valeur réconciliée.
1 When is BACI updated?
BACI is updated every year in January.
2 Why are there differences between BACI and Comtrade?
Even though the source of our data is Comtrade, we perform various operations to improve this data, that are expected to create discrepancies between BACI and Comtrade. See the CEPII working paper for more details.
3 Is data for the last year definitive ?
Values and quantities of the flows taking place during the last year present in BACI may be substantially revised in the subsequent version. This is because we download our source data (Comtrade) in January, and the last year may not yet be complete at that time. More precisely, it is likely that some trade flows will be missing, or reported by only one of the countries instead of the two of them. For more information on the timing of Comtrade updates, visit their data availability page.
4 Can trade flows be revised in subsequent versions of BACI ?
Yes, it may happen, most likely because of changes in the Comtrade source data. Indeed, Comtrade sometimes revises trade flows that occured in the past. Also, we regularly implement slight methodological improvements to the construction of BACI. Therefore, different versions of BACI may provide a different information for the same trade flow, and users should not mix versions of BACI.
5 What are the conditions to use BACI?
BACI is distributed under the Etalab Open Licence 2.0, which means that any use is authorized, provided the source is mentionned. Mentioning BACI and the CEPII is an appropriate reference, ideally a link to the webpage can be added.
6 Why does BACI provide data only in the HS nomenclature?
The Harmonized System is the standard nomenclature for international trade, used by all custom services. This is therefore the most natural choice for trade data. Users wishing to merge BACI with data expressed in alternative classifications can use the concordance tables provided by the World Bank.
7 Is there data for Taiwan?
The UN does not disseminate trade statistics referring to Taiwan. Therefore, COMTRADE and BACI do not have any trade data for Taiwan as such. Nevertheless, trade data of ‘Asia, not elsewhere specified’ (iso 490), is a good proxy for trade of Taiwan. In theory trade data for territories belonging to Asia, but not specified by country, could end up in this category, but in practice, only trade of Taiwan is included under this code, except for a couple of reporters.
8 What is the geographic coverage of BACI?
We have the same geographic coverage as Comtrade. This corresponds to most of the existing countries. A list of the countries available in BACI is included in the data files.
9 Can the trade flows data be opened with Excel?
No, the BACI trade flows files are too large to be opened with Excel, or another spreadsheet software.
10 How to report an issue / suggest an improvement?
Do not hesitate to send an e-mail to baci@cepii.fr. If you write us to warn about an issue, please indicate the version of the database that you are using (HS revision and version identifier).
202401 version: this version was superseded by version 202401b.
202301 version:
202201 version:
202102 version:
Older legacy versions