REF Revue d'économie financière, October 2012
Jean-Joseph Boillot
La voie chinoise. Capitalisme et Empire
Odile Jacob, September 2012
Michel Aglietta, Guo Bai
Monnaie, banques, finance (2ème édition)
Puf, July 2012
Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran
L'immigration coûte cher à la France, qu'en pensent les économistes?
Eyrolles-Les Echos, p.128, April 2012
Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot
Quelles leçons de la crise pour les banques centrales ? Débat autour d?une refondation de leurs missions
La Documentation française, February 2012
Jean-Paul Betbèze, Christian Bordes, Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran
Zone euro éclatement ou fédération
Michalon, p.188, January 2012
Michel Aglietta

In Natural Resources Abundance, Growth and Diversification in MENA, Ndiame Diop, Daniela Marotta and Jaime de Melo, Directions in Development series, The World Bank, September 2012
Céline Carrère, Julien Gourdon, Marcelo Olarreaga
South Asia’s Economic Prospects from Global Rebalancing and Integration
In Economic Reform Processes in South Asia: Toward Policy Efficiency , Philippa Dee, Routledge, Abingdon Oxon and New York, July 2012
Dipak Dasgupta, Julien Gourdon, Nihal Pitigala
NTMs: Interpreting the New Data
In Non-Tariff Measures: A fresh look at trade policy's new frontier , O. Cadot & M. Malouche, World Bank & CEPR, July 2012
Julien Gourdon, Alessandro Nicita
Openness, Inequality and Poverty: Endowments Matter
In The Globalization of the World Economy Series: Globalization and Inequality, Branko Milanovic, Edward Elgar Publishers, March 2012
Julien Gourdon, Nicolas Maystre, Jaime de Melo
MAcMap-HS6 2007, an exhaustive and consistent measure of applied protection in 2007
In GTAP 8 Data Base Documentation, Badri Narayanan, Terrie Walmsley, p.Chapter 10D, 2012
Sébastien Jean, Houssein Guimbard, Mondher Mimouni, Xavier Pichot
Heterogeneous export spillovers to Chinese domestic firms: the role of the difficulty to enter the destination market
In Firms in the International Economy, N°Accepté, Beugelsdijk and Brakman., 2012
Sandra Poncet, Florian Mayneris
Heterogeneous migration and offshoring costs: Evidence on spillover effects
In Policy Priorities for Trade and Jobs, Douglas Lippoldt, p.249-258, 2012
Gianluca Orefice, Cosimo Beverelli